Here's a cause newly close to my heart - the Honeybee crisis, y'all!
Alot of people don't seem to know this, but our honeybees, are "houdini-ing" as I like to say cutely, but mean quite seriously. They are vanishing. Think about this.
1. One out of every three bites of food every (*average) American eats is directly attributed to honeybee pollination.
2. More than 25% of the Western honey bee population has vanished over the last several winters, which poses a serious risk to our natural food supply.
3. Scientists do not know what is causing the Colony Collapse Disorder but its happenin' with no signs of slowing. And that's not good "bee-haviour". (sorry, for my dad jokes)(honey)
So...as if you need an excuse to eat ICE CREAM.....Haagen Daaz has invented a special flavor for the cause - Vanilla Honeybee. MMMM. Proceeds from sales of the deliciousness go towards research.
Click on the colors here for the tres-cool microsite which, is sort of beautiful and has lots of tiny bees flying around with "SOS" signs, and includes interesting, helpful information and factoids.
You can navigate around via the hive on the left and even design your own personal character & Bee Mail!
Grab your sundae spoon. Zoom around the links I've provided above.
Give the colony a hand.
POST-SCRIPT (this just in):
Smolinski Stefanie to me show details 5:11 PM (15 minutes ago) 
Please add my Honey Bee to your blog. It's attached. I sort of modeled it after you. Only sort of, now don't go getting a big head.

Please add my Honey Bee to your blog. It's attached. I sort of modeled it after you. Only sort of, now don't go getting a big head.
'Bout damn time. Been missing you online, my lil' honey bee.
Is that Cameron McGill or a South American honey bee?
The honey bees need our help!
how did you not know about this like, A YEAR AGO?!?? 0_o
Tanya: I did know about it a year ago! I told YOU at Maxwells @ the Joe Arthur shoe (remember?). But Haagen Daaz din't have an ice cream dedicated to the cuase back then!
This crap scares the shit out of me. I hope they figure out what's happening to the bees. Every time I see a Bee in my garden, I get excited. I grew plants especially for them to visit.
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