Monday, March 17, 2008

Back to the Future

This is a little annex to the Saturday post.

I like to think about how things are Jetsons-y (previously: tv dinners. videochat). But its even more fun to think about them as such, when they are like, really old. For example, I have to add to this list: bank tubes. Actually, I don't even know the name for them. I just find it amazing that drive-thru windows at banks still have them. I remember (before ATM cards omg!) my mom going to cash checks that way on Fridays. And that I would always sit up straight in the front seat so the bank tellers would definitely see me and give me a dum-dum lollipop, which they'd send in that airtight tube that traveled through the mysterious tunnel underground between bank and automobile. This tube is remniscent of the scene where Augustus Gloop meets his demise after drinkin' from the chocolate river in WillyWonka (the old one!).

Anyways, its sort of interesting to think about how convenient and sort of futuristic that seems, even still. Its probably becuase I grew up hearing that in the mysterious year 2000 (which, held the promise of absolute magic when I was kid), we would all have our own robots, and cars would fly.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Haha, I used to sit up real straight too- just to get the Dum Dums! Now I tell Bella to stick her head out the window that so they will give her a milkbone.

I need one of those air tubes in my house.

Me: "Hey Hon, pass me the chips"
Ken: "Coming right up! through the air tube!!"