Unlike the song that follows it, "Go Walkin' Down There", which is so obtuse about its bitterness it practically wipes the smirk off your face on the spot, "Graduation Day" is a double edged sword of a song - as calm as pond water on the surface, almost sweet & nostalgic...but there's something when the veil is lifted thats more stabbing. Perhaps it has to do with the opening lyrics - "driving slowly/watching the headlights in the rain"...haha, but thats too obvious, really.

I have always loved Forever Blue (great album!), especially as a summer listen.
Funnily, my thoughts on Chris Issak are always peppered with one specific memory.
Years ago when I worked the green room at the HOB in Chicago, I recall specifically being pulled by the arm and not reprimanded so much as screamed at by his tour manager, who had clearly specified on the rider that "Chris have a WARM Rotisserie chicken and ROOM TEMPERATURE Perrier (NOT Pelligrino!) delivered to his dressing room at exactly 3 PM." (It was about 3:15)
Oh I love reading riders, but I'll never ever miss being in charge of them.
I can't believe I heard Paolo Conte in a Mastercard commercial.
Everyone should love Paolo Conte - that's a fact. He sounds Franch but is actually Eye-talian.
Beauty x Infinity. Delicious.
What else. Well, my friends in Takka Takka are playing a sssssshhhhow (that's secret+show, and not a secret anymore) tonite at Pianos (183 Ludlow on the LES) w/St. Vincent (whom I have a ladyboner over), the new girl, Bell, and John Vanderslice.
Like Parfums de Cour - if you like Bjork, you'll love Bell !
Its going to be hot as hell in that room so you might as well wear a bikini.
They will be going on around 10 PM, directly after I defend my Title as Music Trivia Champ upstairs.
Arrivederci for now.
DAHAHAHAHAha hah ah aha ha ha ha
DAHAHAHh ha ha ha ha ha
Chris Issak that bastard. LOL!!! I totally remember that traumatizing night for you. I think you walked 50 flights of stairs a night too. No wonder we were drunk everynight....our jobs were so shitty or we were closet alcoholics. circle one
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