Saturday, March 15, 2008

Random Thoughts on a Saturday

I saw a vanilla, square-style limousine today in Soho. So 80's. So...."Coming to America"!

I want one of my own to roll around in. It would be hilarious to drive! Add to list of adult purchases I plan to make mine, including:
*chandelier (preferrably black glass)
*photo booth (black&white)
*baby grand piano (black)(Bosendorfer)
*deep, sink right in, old fashioned bathtub
*(and this is the best one)...full service in-my-house library (a study, one might call it. especially if you like to play CLUE. ha.)...with a bookcase that has a secret book which you can push, that opens a trap-door style wall to open up, leading into...a secret room. Somehow I envision teacups as part of this scenario (teacups and leather bound chairs help a library, right?), but I'm not sure how yet. Its very "Candleshoe" which I loved (starring Jodie Foster) when I was a kid. And "the Apple Dumpling Gang." I digress...Oh, what else...
Video chat on my MacBook is verrry "Jetsons". But then again, so are TV dinners, when you think about it.
Pimms cup is my new favorite cocktail. With cucumber slices floatin' on top.
Quote of the day: "All you need to make a movie is a girl and a gun." (Godard)
Fact of the day: A Hummingbird's heart beats 1,400 beats per minute. Whiz Bang!

More later.

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